Responsive, Passionate & Earnest Representation
When serious injuries result from car accidents, truck accidents or other incidents, it is wise to put our experienced legal counsel in your corner.
Practice Areas






Injury Lawyer




We Only Collect If You Do
All injury cases are taken on a contingency fee basis. You will only pay an attorney fee if we help you obtain a recovery.
A Proven Advocate For
The Injured
Attorney Chris Nichols understands the tactics that insurance companies use to minimize or deny valid claims. He is committed to helping injured parties recover the full amount they deserve, including reimbursement for medical costs, lost wages and compensation for pain and suffering.
We represent only injured parties and tailor our services to the needs of each client. In addition to personal injury lawsuits, our firm represents people who have been injured on the job in workers’ compensation matters. Insurance companies also want to minimize how much is paid out in workers’ comp cases, so it is smart to put our experience to work for you.
Your Solution Starts With A Free Consultation
Actions you take immediately after you are injured can play an important role in how your case is resolved. It is important to meet with our personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. When you schedule a meeting, you will meet with Chris, who will review the facts of your case and recommend a course of action.
Call 919-915-0212 or use our online contact form to schedule a free consultation.